Gerontology Wiki
Basilio Lopez
Basilio Lopez
Lopez (center) on his claimed 111th birthday in 2011.
Birth: 17 June 1900?
Caimancito, Jujuy, Argentina
Death: c.24 September 2012
Jujuy, Argentina
Age: 112 years, c.99 days?
Country: ArgentinaARG

Basilio Lopez Duarte [Spanish: López] (17 June 1900? – c.24 September 2012) was an Argentinian supercentenarian whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG). If his claimed age were validated, he would have been the oldest men ever in Argentina.


Basilio Lopez claimed to have been born in Caimancito, Jujuy, Argentina on 17 June 1900.

On 17 June 2011, he celebrated his claimed 111th birthday with his family, authorities from the Ministry of Health and the municipality of Caimancito. Since 2001, he was a beneficiary of Argentina's Federal Health Program (Profe), receiving pension, medical, and social assistance.

Lopez died in Jujuy, Argentina around 24 September 2012 at the claimed age of 112 years, c.99 days.

