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Braulio Alves de Oliveira
Braulio Alves de Oliveira
Braulio Alves de Oliveira at the age of 108.
Birth: 1 September 1892
Sacramento, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Death: 29 May 2003
Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Age: 110 years, 270 days
Country: BrazilBRA

Braulio Alves de Oliveira (1 September 1892 – 29 May 2003) was a Brazilian supercentenarian whose age is validated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Braulio Alves de Oliveira was born in Sacramento, Minas Gerais, Brazil on 1 September 1892 to parents Francisco Alves de Oliveira and Valeriana Maria de Jesus. He had six siblings, Abilio, Isildra, Braulino, Watersides, Maria Alves and Maria Vicencia, who all predeceased him. At the time, Sacramento was a very small town which received its electricity through a hydroelectric plant powered by a nearby river. This river, however, would eventually dry up as farmers started cutting down trees in the forest to plant coffee, meaning that the town lost its source of electricity.

Alves de Oliveira began his studies at the age of eight, where he was taught how to read by a teacher named José da Costa. He then studied for another two years under his brother, Abilio, who was also a teacher. In 1910, his father sent him to the city, where he lived in the house of a Portuguese businessman named Manoel de Oliveira. A year later, his father moved to the city, so he went back to live with him. The same year, he began attending Colégio Allan Kardec, where he was a student of the school's founder, Eurípedes Barsanulfo (1880 – 1918), a prominent spiritualist medium and teacher from Sacramento. After graduating, he became a teacher in the countryside, where farmers would hire him to teach their children.

On 27 July 1918, at the age of 25, he married Antonia Barbosa Nunes and had three children with her. He later married to a woman named Almerinda, and had thirteen more children. He had eighteen grandchildren, thirty-five great-grandchildren, and seven great-great-grandchildren. As a centenarian, he received several honors from the city of Uberlandia, such as being recognized as the oldest person in the city. In his later years, he was interviewed about his experiences as a student of Eurípedes Barsanulfo.

Braulio Alves de Oliveira died in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, on 29 May 2003, at the age of 110 years, 270 days.

