Gerontology Wiki
Camila Valenzuela Arriagada
Camila Valenzuela Arriagada
Valenzuela Arriagada at the age of 109.
Birth: 16 July 1910
Curepto, Maule Region, Chile
Death: 19 September 2020
Pelarco, Maule Region, Chile
Age: 110 years, 65 days
Country: ChileCHL

Camila del Carmen Valenzuela Arriagada de Diaz (16 July 1910 – 19 September 2020) was a Chilean supercentenarian whose age is validated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Valenzuela Arriagada was born in Curepto, Talca Province, Maule Region, Chile, on 16 July 1910. She married a man with the surname Diaz. They had 14 children. At the age of 104, she also had 33 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren.

Valenzuela Arriagada died in Pelarco, Talca Province, Maule Region, Chile, on 19 September 2020, at the age of 110 years, 65 days.

