Gerontology Wiki
Doan Van Chan
Doan Van Chan
Birth: 1894?
Long Xuyen, An Giang Province, French Indochina (now Vietnam)
Death: fl.19 February 2010
Long Xuyen, An Giang Province, Vietnam
Age: 116 years, 0+ days?
Country: VietnamVIE
Longevity claimant

Doan Van Chan [Vietnamese: Đoàn Văn Chấn] (1894? – fl.19 February 2010) was a Vietnamese longevity claimant whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Duong Thi Chao claimed to have been born in Nhon My, An Giang Province, French Indochina (now Vietnam) in 1894. After the death of 117-year-old Nguyen Thi Thanh, he was reported to be the oldest living person in Nhon My.

Duong Thi Chao was last confirmed alive in Rach Ong Chuong, an island in Nhon My, An Giang Province, Vietnam on 19 February 2010, at the claimed age of at least 116 years, 0 days.

