Gerontology Wiki
Eugenia Zuniga Jeldres
Eugenia Zuniga Jeldres
Birth: 15 November 1908
Villarrica, Araucania, Chile
Death: 1 September 2020
Juan Antonio Rios de Rahue Alto, Chile
Age: 111 years, 290 days
Country: ChileCHL

Eugenia Zuniga Jeldres (Spanish: Zúñiga; 15 November 1908 – 1 September 2020) was a Chilean supercentenarian whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Zuniga Jeldres was born in Villarrica, Araucania, Chile, on 15 November 1908. At the age of 19, she married Juan Miranda, a farmer with whom she had 15 children, who gave them 30 grandchildren, and 35 great-grandchildren. Her husband died more than 40 years prior to her 110th birthday in 2018.

In her youth in the field she helped to receive babies. When she turned 95 years-old in November 2003, she graduated from eighth grade. Her surprising story moved her colleagues from the Juan XXIII College of Osorno. She worked until she was 104 years old. She lived with her family during the earthquake that hit Chile in 1960. She remembered being afraid back then.

Zuniga Jeldres died in Juan Antonio Rios de Rahue Alto, Chile on 1 September 2020 at the age of 111 years, 290 days.

