Gerontology Wiki
Iris Estay
Iris Estay
Iris Estay on her 110th birthday in 2020.
Birth: 3 September 1910
Quilota, Chile
Death: 26 November 2021
Age: 111 years, 84 days
Country: ChileCHL

Iris Estay (3 September 1910 – 26 November 2021) was a Chilean supercentenarian whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG). She may have been the oldest known person to survive COVID-19 twice, until Lillian Moran recovered from the disease a second time in 2023 at the age of 112.


Iris Estay was born in Quilota, Chile on 3 September 1910 (claimed 1907). Her father lived to be 102 years (although he claimed to be 112 years) and her twin sister died on 12 November 2012 at the age of 102 years. Allegedly, her mother died at the age of 114 years.

Allegedly, her mother was 52 years when Iris was born and Iris was 50 years when her last child was born.

She had her first stroke when she was 62 years after the death of her father, the second stroke when she was 102 years, the third stroke when she was 108 years, and since then she had been bedridden, the fourth stroke when she was 108 years, the fifth stroke when she was 109 years, the sixth stroke when she was almost 110 years.

In September 2020, she celebrated her 110th birthday.

COVID-19 Survival[]

On 27 September 2020, Estay tested positive for COVID-19 during the coronavirus pandemic. However, as of 12 October 2020, she successfully recovered.

On 25 February 2021, when she was at hospital, Estay tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time, but has recovered in March 2021. On 1 April 2021, she was vaccinated against Covid-19, making her one of the oldest people to receive the vaccine.

On 14 April 2021, Estay was hospitalized for a stroke (her seventh one).

Iris Estay died in Chile on 26 November 2021, at the age of 111 years, 84 days.

