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Jose Jimenez
Jose Jimenez
Jimenez on 23 April 2023, at the claimed age of 116
Birth: 5 June 1906?
San Juan, Panama
Death: fl.23 April 2023
San Juan, Panama
Age: 116 years, 322+ days?
Country: PanamaPAN
Longevity claimant

Jose Jimenez (5 June 1906? – fl.23 April 2023) was a Panamanian longevity claimant whose age is currently unvalidated by the Guinness World Records (GWR). If his age is correct, he could have been the oldest living man in the world at the time he went to limbo.


Jose Jimenez claimed to have been born in San Juan, Panama on 5 June 1906 and was last confirmed alive on 23 April 2023 at the claimed age of 116 years, 322 days. In May 2023, he went to limbo as he wasn't listed on the Panamanian census.


