Gerontology Wiki
Jubee Nakamura
Jubee Nakamura
Jubee Nakamura at the claimed age of 112.
Birth: 10 December 1852?
Death: 4 November 1969
Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Age: 116 years, 329 days?
Country: JapanJPN
Longevity claimant

Jubee Nakamura [Japanese: 中村重兵衛] (10 December 1852? – 4 November 1969) was a Japanese longevity claimant. However, neither GWR nor the GRG ever recognized Nakamura's age, as his case pre-dates the koseki birth registration period (that began in the 1870s).


Jubee Nakamura claimed to have been born in Japan on 10 December 1852.

Nakamura was a fisherman, until the age of 85. He also claimed his secret to longevity was eating sea urchins.

Jubee Nakamura died in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture, Japan on 4 November 1969, at the claimed age of 116 years, 329 days. A statue of him is located in Hirata-choi, Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture.

