Gerontology Wiki
Konstanty Jung
Birth: 1 November 1901
Russian Empire (now Poland)
Death: 13 January 2010
Lublin, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland
Age: 108 years, 73 days
Country: PolandPOL

Konstanty Jung (1 November 1901 – 13 January 2010) was a Polish centenarian who was the oldest living man in Poland at the time of his death.


Konstanty Jung was born in Poland on 1 November 1901. He died in Lublin, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland on 13 January 2010 at the age of 108 years, 73 days. At the time of his death, he was the oldest living man in Poland. The title was then inherited by Jozef Szyszko (12 February 1902 – 24 October 2010) of West Pomerania.


Poland's Oldest Living Man Titleholders (VE)

Walenty CabonJan MichalskiFrument JaroszynskiWalenty TasiemskiJan SzarpalaAntoni DrewniakFerdynand PacakKazimierz AnuszkiewiczBoleslaw ButrymBoleslaw KliszewskiJozef JankiewiczFeliks KowalkowskiFranciszek KarwowskiPawel ParniakJozef KosBoleslaw AdamekKonstanty JungJozef SzyszkoStefan ModrzejewskiAntoni DobrowolskiRoman KrusAntoni WojciechowskiStanislaw SwidzinskiJozef PlawskiJozef ZurekStanislaw KowalskiKazimierz KlimczakStanislaw PelkaWladyslaw FidosTadeusz Lutak
