Gerontology Wiki
Leonor Oyarzun Ivanovic
Leonor Oyarzun Ivanovic
Birth: 10 March 1919
Temuco, Cautin Province, Chile
Death: 20 January 2022
Santiago, Santiago Province, Chile
Age: 102 years, 316 days
Country: ChileCHL

Leonor Oyarzun Ivanovic [Spanish: Oyarzún] (10 March 1919 – 21 January 2022) was a Chilean centenarian who served as the First Lady of Chile from 1990 to 1994.


She was born in Temuco, Cautin Province, Chile on 10 March 1919, the eldest of the six daughters of Manuel Oyarzun Lorca and Ana Ivanovic Roccatagliata. She studied English, French and sewing. Her father died when she was 18 years old, and she had to help her mother maintain the home through her work as a seamstress. Her sister Mercedes was married to politician Hugo Trivelli; they have a son, Marcelo Trivelli Oyarzun.

She married Patricio Aylwin on 29 September 1948 and they have five children: Isabel, Miguel, Jose Antonio, Juan Francisco and Mariana. Mariana was the Education Minister of Ricardo Lagos' government. Oyarzun also had 14 grandchildren (among them, telenovela actress Paz Bascunan).

As the First Lady, in 1990 Oyarzun transformed Fundacion Nacional de Ayuda a la Comunidad (FUNACO) into Integra, which helps children in extreme poverty. The next year inaugurated the Programa de Promocion de la Mujer (PRODEMU).

After her husband's presidential term, which ended on 11 March 1994, Oyarzun continued to accompany Aylwin in his political activities in national and international forums.

In 2010, she suffered an acute respiratory infection that kept her hospitalized at the Clinica Alemana de Santiago. In 2011, she had a hip fracture caused by a domestic accident. She was widowed on 19 April 2016.

She turned 100 in March 2019. Around September 2020, aged 101, during a global pandemic of the disease, Oyarzun contracted COVID-19, but has recovered as of November 2020. In May 2021, aged 102, she voted in the Chilean municipal elections.

Oyarzun Ivanovic died in Santiago, Santiago Province, Chile on 21 January 2022 at the age of 102 years, 317 days.


