Gerontology Wiki
Maria Vikentyevna Kononovich
Maria Vikentyevna Kononovich
Kononovich at the claimed age of 113.
Birth: 27 May 1904?
Age: 120 years, 256 days?
Country: BelarusBLR
Longevity claimant

Maria Vikentyevna Kononovich [Russian: Мария Викентьевна Кононович] [Belarussian: Марыя Канановіч] (27 May 1904? - fl. 18 January 2023) was a Belarusian longevity claimant.


Maria Vikentyevna Kononovich claimed to have been born in Smorgon Region, Belarus on 27 May 1904. She had seven brothers, and sisters but two of whom died at a very young age. She had at least two sons, one of whom died 91 years ago, and the other in 2012. Her husband died in 1988. She had to learn to manage on her own, so she is still helpless and in good health. She loves gardening, and until a few years ago she had hives near her house where she picked her own honey.

As of April 2019, she was still in good health and able to walk unassisted. She said that she can remember the Bolsheviks walking along the streets of her town when she was younger.

Maria Vikentyevna Kononovich was last reported to be alive on 18 January 2023 when she lived in Listopady, Belarus, at the claimed age of 118 years, 236 days.

Age Issues[]

Neither GWR nor GRG have verified her age. If her claimed age were validated, she would have been the oldest living person in the world, and the second-oldest person ever recorded, behind Jeanne Calment. However, at this point this case has been unverified for several years which doesn't bode well for the case prospects.


