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Molly Yeomans
Molly Yeomans
Birth: 1 July 1888
Death: 30 May 2001
New South Wales, Australia
Age: 112 years, 333 days
Country: AustraliaAUS

Mary Morehead "Molly" Yeomans (née Langwill; 1 July 1888 – 30 May 2001) was an Australian supercentenarian whose age is validated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Molly Yeomans was born in Australia on 1 July 1888. She was the fourth-oldest verified person ever from Australia, behind Christina Cock, Beatrice Mears, and Ethel Farrell, and the oldest verified person from the state of New South Wales.[1][2] She was never the oldest living person in Australia as Cock and Mears were older than her and living at the time of her death.

Yeomans died in New South Wales on 30 May 2001, at the age of 112 years, 333 days.

