Gerontology Wiki
Rosalina dos Reis Valle
Rosalina dos Reis Valle
Birth: 1844/45?
Cabinda Province, Portuguese West Africa (currently Angola)
Death: 1955
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Age: 110 years?
Country: AngolaAGOBrazilBRA

Rosalina dos Reis Valle (1844/45? – 1955) was an Angolan-Brazilian ex-slave and supercentenarian claim whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG). If her age is true, she could be one of oldest person ever born in Angola.


Rosalina dos Reis Valle claimed that she was born in Cabinda Province, Portuguese West Africa (currently Angola) between 1844-1845.

Rosalina dos Reis Valle died in Minas Gerais, Brazil in 1955 at the claimed age of 110 years.

