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Rose Peters
Rose Peters
Portrait of Rose Peters in 2001
Birth: 21 February 1883?
Death: 28 September 2001
Glanvillia, Portsmouth, Dominica
Age: 118 years, 213 days?
Country: DominicaDMA
Longevity claimant

Rose Peters (21 February 1883? – 28 September 2001) was a Dominican longevity claimant whose age is currently unvalidated by the Guinness World Records (GWR).


Rose Peters claimed to have been born in Dominica on 21 February 1883. She was known in her community as Aunty Rose or Ma Rose. Rose Peters died in Glanvillia, Portsmouth, Dominica on 28 September 2001 at the claimed age of 118 years, 213 days.

