Gerontology Wiki
Shiro Yamazaki
Shiro Yamazaki
Yamazaki (aged 110) on 26 September 2023
Birth: 18 June 1913
Death: fl.1 October 2023
Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Age: 110 years, 105+ days
Country: JapanJPN

Shiro Yamazaki [Japanese: 山崎四郎] (18 June 1913 – fl.1 October 2023) was a Japanese supercentenarian who was the oldest known living man in Kanagawa Prefecture at the time he went to limbo. His age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Shiro Yamazaki was born in Japan on 18 June 1913. He worked as a banker. At some point, he developed a fascination for the tea ceremony, influenced by the matcha tea served at his former boss’s residence. From that moment onward, he embraced the tea ceremony for more than 80 years, with matcha being a part of his daily routine, even after reaching the age of 100.

In June 2023, Yamazaki celebrated his 110th birthday and became a supercentenarian. In September 2023, he was reported as the oldest living man in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Shiro Yamazaki was last confirmed alive in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan on 1 October 2023, at the age of 110 years, 105 days.


