Gerontology Wiki


Just like in Wikipedia, it is extremely important to write articles in your own words, rather than copy-pasting/closely paraphrasing from sources. It could potentially become a legal issue, so I will try to rewrite this page later on. By the way, here is the source from which most of the text here is based upon. Ozcaro (talk) 08:53, November 28, 2015 (UTC)


Ozcaro, calm down kid. Nobody is gonna sue you. Clarion Head have much more interesting things to do in their lives then go sue contributors of an online encylopedia. I suggest you shut down your computer, go out take a walk and relax your mind. What you did, was it right? No, it wasn't. I mean what if they sue us? We're only educating people about Gerontology, something which many websites and youngster don't grasp a concept of. 


          Robert Douglas Young-Muir
