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Tuti Yusupova
Tuti Yusupova
Birth: 1 July 1880?
To‘rtko‘l, Khanate of Khiva, Imperial Russia (now Uzbekistan)
Death: 28 March 2015
To‘rtko‘l, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan
Age: 134 years, 270 days?
Country: UzbekistanUZB
Longevity myth

Tuti Tojiboyevna Yusupova (Uzbek: To‘ti Tojiboy qizi Yusupova, Russian: Ту́ти Тожибоевна Юсу́пова; 1 July 1880? – 28 March 2015) was an Uzbekistani longevity myth. At the alleged age of 134 years, 270 days, she claimed to be the oldest living person in the world and oldest person ever, her claimed age exceeding that of the verified record-holder Jeanne Calment by more than 12 years.


Early years

Yusupova's father's name was Tojiboy (Тожибой) and her mother's name was Uljon (Улжон). She had a younger brother. Yusupova worked at the family farm from the age of nine. She married in 1898, and had two children with her husband, who died in 1940. Her children, Snezhana (d. 1984) and Jamal (d. 1956), both predeceased her.

Later years

Yusupova lived with her great-granddaughters and enjoyed watching television. In 2008, she was awarded the Shukhrat medal for being over 100 years of age in Uzbekistan.

Reuters reported that her age was uncovered in 2009 by Safar Hakimov, the ruling Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party's local chairman in Tortkol, Karakalpakstan when researching centenarians as part of the plans for the country's independence anniversary.

In 2010, a documentary, Witness to Three Centuries, was made about her.


Yusupova died on 28 March 2015, four days before Misao Okawa, the oldest verified living person at the time.

After her funeral, her birth certificate and passport were declared conclusive evidence by Baxadir Yangibayev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, where she lived and died. He said he would pass this information on to Guinness World Records.

