Gerontology Wiki
Victor Francisco Ramirez
Birth: 30 December 1895?
Death: 15 March 2009
Cundinamarca, Colombia
Age: 113 years, 75 days?
Country: ColombiaCOL

Victor Francisco Ramirez Carrera (30 December 1895? – 15 March 2009) was a Colombian supercentenarian claimant whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Victor Francisco Ramirez claimed to have been born in San Juan de Rioseco, Colombia on 30 December 1895. He dedicated a large part of his life to delivering the mail in the inspection of San Nicolas, his birthplace, and an obligatory step for the trade that was generated between Bogotá and the rest of the world through the port of Ambalema (Tolima), on the Magdalena River. In December 2005, he celebrated his claimed 110th birthday.

Victor Francisco Ramirez died in the municipality of San Juan de Rioseco, Ontario, in Cundinamarca, Colombia on 15 March 2009 at the claimed age of 113 years, 75 days.

