Gerontology Wiki
Gerontology Wiki
Yoshie Okamoto
Yoshie Okamoto
Okamoto at the age of 106
Birth: 31 March 1907
Death: January 2019
Obama, Fukui, Japan
Age: 111 years, 276-306 days
Country: JapanJPN

Yoshie Okamoto [Japanese: 岡本芳江] (31 March 1907 – fl. 14 September 2018) was a Japanese supercentenarian whose age has been validated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG). She was the oldest known living person in Fukui Prefecture, Japan.


Yoshie Okamoto was born on 31 March 1907 in Japan. In September 2017, she was reported as the oldest living person in Fukui Prefecture, being the successor of Yoshiko Ito, who died on 10 April 2017.

Okamoto was last reported alive on 14 September 2018 at the age of 111 years, 167 days. At that time she lived in Obama, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. In September 2019, she went to limbo since the oldest living person in Fukui Prefecture was reported to be Shige Nakatsuka of Tsuruga, born 3 January 1911.

