Gerontology Wiki
Zoila de Jesus Peroza
Zoila de Jesus Peroza
Zoila de Jesus Peroza on her claimed 110th birthday in 2019.
Birth: 1 January 1909?
Death: c.17 July 2022
Age: 113 years, c.198 days?
Country: VenezuelaVEN
Longevity claimant

Zoila de Jesus Peroza (1 January 1909? – c.17 July 2022) was a Venezuelan supercentenarian claimant whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Zoila de Jesus Peroza claimed to have been born on 1 January 1909 in Venezuela. She celebrated her claimed 112th birthday in January 2021.

Zoila de Jesus Peroza died in Venezuela around 17 July 2022, at the claimed age of 113 years, c.198 days, (probably 102 years, c.198 days).

Age Issues[]

Some Latin American researchers of The 110 Club suggest she was born on 1 January 1920, meaning that she could be 11 years younger. However, if her claim to birth on 1 January 1909 is true, she would be older than Juan Vicente Perez Mora, who was the oldest (documented) living person in Venezuela at the time of her death.

